Saturday, 21 April 2012

Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo, a Mexican painter, born in 1907, is well known for the pain and passion in her work. Following a horrific bus accident which left her in hospital with serious health problems for a significant length of time, she carried on painting in the hospital environment. She painted many self portraits because she was alone for a lot of her life in a hospital bed. Her paintings do reflect her emotions and the traumas that she has experienced. For example, painting herself as a deer with arrows all through her body just shows the sort of physical and emotional pain that Frida had to put up with. Also her self portrait (1940) uses symbols that identify her emotions, such as a trapped dead bird which shows to the viewer that Kahlo felt she had no way out.

I thought that her work was extremely relevant to the theme of my exhibition, because her paintings show how she has struggled throughout life with such traumas. They show an emotional journey that has been a struggle for survival at times.

The Little Deer 1946

Self-portrait, 1940

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